Graphic Design

Understand in this category all those visual products created by designers to convey a message, such as posters, infographics, flyers, symbols and signage, brochures, etc. The wide range of products is what has allowed it to remain one of the most needed services.

Editorial Design

In the editorial design, both digital and printed, it consists of the hierarchy and organization of the information so that it is visually attractive. Although it is believed that books or magazines are disappearing, the need for a specialized designer is still latent.

Visual Identity Design

The design of a visual identity is as delicate as it is important, and although “graphic design” would belong, it is a job that must include extensive analysis and creativity for it to be effective.

Graphic Design for Social Networks

Another branch that grew with the digital age, the creation of banners, gifs, graphics in different sizes and responsives, etc., became essential for the positioning of social networks.

Multimedia Product Design

As part of the above, videos with or without animation, visual effects, augmented or visual reality graphics are also services that customers request and are well paid for their degree of difficulty.

Advertising Design

Design specialized in selling is still one of the most important products of any company, creating a graphic that generates the sensation of purchase while being subtle is very careful.

Packaging Design

Let's not forget that packaging is the item that will touch the customer's hands and that it is the decisive factor for consumers to decide on a brand, so packaging design is extremely important.